Sunday, November 24, 2019

How to Ask Your Boss for a Raise

How to Ask Your Boss for a Raise You’re sitting at your desk, working hard as always, when your boss walks up, smiling. â€Å"Congratulations,† she beams. â€Å"I’ve decided to give you a 25 percent raise!† Wow, you think, as you mentally run through the list of people you want to thank: your agent, your deity, your long-suffering spouse. Suddenly you snap back to reality, and realize it didn’t actually happen. No one walked up and handed you one of those oversized prop checks, just for being you. (Darn it!) But part of your fantasy could come true- with a bit of research, a little work, and a lot of confidence. Asking for a raise is something you shouldn’t take lightly. In this economic climate and the chronic outbreak of corporate belt-tightening, it’s easier than ever for bosses and executives to shrug their shoulders and say â€Å"I would if I could, but†¦.† That means it’s on you to show how you’ve gone above and beyond, or how your prod uctivity has been an asset to the company in your time there. According to, 75% of people who ask for a raise get one. Be one of the 75%!Before you start the process, ask yourself a few questions about where things stand at work right now. Have your responsibilities changed recently? Are you taking more initiative than ever? [via PayScale]If you don’t feel like you’re quite at that point yet, that doesn’t mean you won’t be soon. Be more proactive at work, taking the lead on projects that involve other people, and start reaching beyond the limits of your job description. If you are ready to start advocating for that raise, then here are some steps you can follow.Step 1:  Do Your HomeworkStep 2:  Settle on a Goal AmountStep 3:  Pick Your TimingStep 4:  Ask for a Meeting With Your Boss.Step 5:  Gather All of Your InformationStep 6: AskStep 7: Have a Plan BStep 1: Do Your HomeworkThe best tool at your disposal here is information œinformation about you, information about your industry, information about what other people make doing the same things you do. The great thing about this is that we have so much of this info right at our fingertips these days. There are entire websites out there devoted to how much people make in different industries, and what they can expect to make over the course of a career. It would be nice to think that we’re all priceless professionals, who don’t have a dollar figure. Yet in this cynical world, we all have a (professional) worth†¦and it’s absolutely essential to know yours. Let’s look at a few of the sites that can help you find out.The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics: Sure, it looks like dry government data- and, well, it is. But it’s also a wealth of information about your industry: median salaries, career outlooks over the next ten years, and basic career On the front page, it says in big letters, â€Å"What am I worth?† That’s a sign that you’re on the right track in your research. You can search by industry or job title, and download free reports that give you salary data about your This site has industry and salary data too, but it also has company data- including anonymous reviews from people who’ve worked there. So you get hard data about what people similar to you are making, but it can also give you insight into how your own company works behind the scenes. And if the raise request process doesn’t work out, it has some great resources for a job hunt.Step 2: Settle on a Goal AmountOnce you have a ballpark figure in mind thanks to your extensive research online, it’s time to start refining that a bit. You should have a specific goal in mind for your salary negotiations. You may or may not reach that in the end, but you need a figure for your manager to work with. If you let the other person set the number, y ou risk low-balling yourself. And you really don’t want to find out later that your boss actually would have gone higher, but didn’t because you seemed satisfied with the lower amount. Moral of the story: you set the narrative here.Here are 3 tips to keep in mind as you figure out your amount.1. Be realistic.Remember your research, and stay within shouting distance of what people in your role make at other companies, or what people have historically made in your role at your own company. Unless you’re about to sign a major professional baseball contract, asking for crazy amounts of cash (and a shiny new BMW convertible) will get you laughed out of your negotiation meeting.2. Be specific.Remember, you’re setting the conversation here. If you throw out a specific number or percentage of the raise, you open up a dialogue with your manager.3. Be firm.Once you’ve settled on an amount (or at least a narrow range), commit to it. The last thing you want is to be winging it once you have your boss’s attention.Okay, so you’ve figured out what you’re asking for. Let’s move on to step 3.Step 3: Pick Your TimingIf your company just released a disastrous earnings report, then now might not be the best time to ask for a raise. If you or your boss is overwhelmed in the middle of a giant project, now might not be the best time to ask for a raise. You want to pick a time when the powers that be might be more receptive to giving you more cash. This is not to say that you can’t ask for a raise if things are shaky with the company. As with everything else, there may not be a â€Å"perfect† time where all the planets align for your request, and you shouldn’t put it off indefinitely. But if you’re conscious about what’s going on in general, you can find a time when people aren’t just going to dismiss your request right off because things are terrible. It’s a matter of shif ting your opportunity window. Also, knowing what’s going on can help you frame your request: â€Å"I know things are a little rough right now with our industry, but I’d like to talk about a merit-based raise.†With many companies, raises and bonuses are tied pretty closely to the annual review process. Again, there’s nothing stopping you from taking this outside of the regular channels, but if you align your ask with a time of year where your company might be more amenable to adjusting your pay, it could increase your chances.Step 4: Ask for a Meeting With Your BossNo carrier pigeon necessary: just an invite that blocks out time for you and your boss to talk about this without distractions. There’s no need for cloak-and-dagger secrecy. A simple â€Å"meeting to discuss salary† subject works fine.Step 5: Gather All of Your InformationRemember when you did all that research on salaries? Time to bring that back, and keep it in mind for the discu ssion with your boss. You should also:Update your resume. It’s probably changed since you started, and the manager in charge of your raise may not have ever read your resume in the first place. So it’s time to rebuild or refine your resume, tailored to the points you want to emphasize in your raise request (skills you’ve picked up, tasks you’ve taken on, accomplishments you’ve accumulated). Bring a copy to the meeting with your boss.Make a list of all of the talking points you want to hit in your discussion.Practice what you want to say. It can feel silly to talk to yourself in the bathroom mirror, but asking for a raise can be a stressful situation. And in stressful situations, we don’t always remember to say what we needed or wanted to say. So if you practice ahead of time, it’ll be easier to stick to your points when you’re asking your boss.Step 6: AskArmed with your accomplishments and your raise-worthy activities on the jo b, gather up your confidence and walk into the meeting with your manager. There are some do’s and don’ts as you take this step:Don’t be aggressive or defensive. Keep the tone civil and professional at all times.Don’t make it about you as a person- make it about you as an employee.Don’t try to make it about what you want/need. If you are having personal financial issues, or want to finance Mr. Fluffington’s cat botox regimen, none of that matters. Focus on your worthiness as a professional.Do take it seriously. Even if you’re buddies with your boss, you want to treat this with the utmost seriousness. This is your salary we’re talking about! You want your boss to take this request seriously, so you need to set that tone.Don’t be afraid to talk yourself up. It’s not bragging to list your accomplishments and explain why you deserve a raise. You should be a confident advocate for yourself.Step 7: Have a Plan BSometimes the answer will be â€Å"no,† or the amount will come in way under that you were hoping to get. If that’s the case, you have some follow-up decisions to make. If you feel like your company doesn’t value you, and now you have a dollar figure against that, it’s time to ask yourself if you’d like to stay, or try your luck elsewhere.If the answer is no and you have no interest in jumping ship, don’t take it personally. This is a business discussion with business reasons behind it. It’s not a rejection of you (even thought it can certainly feel that way). Before you even walk into the meeting with your boss, know what your plan is for each potential outcome. Don’t lose heart- you can try this again in the future. Ideally, your boss explained why the answer was a no. And keep this open as a dialogue: you can ask whether there’s anything you can do to set yourself up for a better raise on the next go-round.The most important t hing with asking for a raise is that you go into it with every possible reason and justification at your disposal. The raise request is a not-so-distant cousin to the new job salary negotiation, in that you don’t get what you don’t ask for and you don’t want to have any regrets later on. Good luck seizing your opportunity!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Women Rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women Rights - Research Paper Example Before 1877, it was unthinkable for a woman to leave her house and cater to issues concerning work or politics. Women’s roles were strictly those of taking care of their families at home. It has taken along battle characterized with hard work and determination for the women of today to enjoy the same rights as men. Since the beginning of the contemporary world, a woman has had a unique role in society: that of being a source of human life. Nonetheless, historically, women have been seen as inferior to men, intellectually, physically, sexually, and otherwise. In addition, women are always associated with evil and temptation, a notion possibly derived from the biblical scriptures of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. For instance, early Roman laws viewed women as children, while the Greek mythology suggests that it was a woman (Pandora) who brought unhappiness and plague to humankind by opening the forbidden box1. Before 1800s, women could not own property, vote, get equal educ ation as men, or get involved in political issues. Some of the early female philosophers include Olympe de Gouges with the publication ‘declaration of women rights’ protesting against the failure of revolutionists in mentioning women in their declaration of human rights. There was Margret Fuller, a female reporter who wrote the article ‘Women in the Nineteenth century’ around 1845. The leader of women rights in America, Elizabeth Candy Stanton, was a major figure in the women rights movement. In addition, there was also Charlotte Perkins Gilham, Clara Barton among others2. The first known women rights movement began in 13, July 18483. A tea conversation between Elizabeth Candy Stanton and other four women friends turned to women issues, with emphasis on women’s roles in the American Revolution and their then lack of freedom4. This afternoon conversation was the first group of women fighting for their rights, and the first to organize specific, extens ive programs that called for review of women rights in America. Two days after the formation of the small group, they had set a date for their first convention. The location of choice was the Wesleyan Chapel in Seneca Falls, setting the date to 19 and 20, July 1848. The Seneca County Courier carried the announcement for the convention. This was the first ever-public meeting of its king in western civilization. According to these women, they were patriotic members of the society trying to share the ideas that would improve the new republic by heeding the promise of providing a more egalitarian life for all its citizens. As the women were preparing and waiting for the first convention, Elizabeth Candy Stanton was applying the Declaration of Independence framework to design the â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments† for the women rights movement. In complete resemblance to the important American symbol of liberty, Stanton was able to connect the Declaration of Independence to the figh t for women’s rights. Stanton’s draft carefully listed a number of areas where women were most treated unjustly, eighteen in number. The words that Stanton used to express women grievances were strong words expressing large grievances but nonetheless filling the American atmosphere with the hope of a bright future for women. The two days convention began on July 19, 1848, and was successful. The discussions at the convention resulted in several major endorsements of the declarations of sentiments and twelve resolutions with a few amendments. Among the resolutions were the rights to equal laws, and equal job and education opportunities. The only two resolutions that failed to pass were the women’s right to vote in elections and their enfranchisement. Despite their grievances and achievements on the convention,